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We are mainly run by volunteers and below are details of the range of roles which cover the Library of Things and Repair Café.  If you don’t feel any of them quite match what you’d like to offer, please get in touch.


Current need: Electrical repair (Saturday 10 – 1), fabric repair (Saturday 10 – 1), leather repair (any availability)

We’re always looking for people with repair skills who are happy to share their knowledge with others. We view those bringing in items as co-repairers and get them involved in repairing their item, as much as possible. Co-repairers sit at the table with the volunteer repairer to help and/or learn about their item and fixing it.

We have volunteers who are good at fixing electrical, mechanical, wood, jewellery, clocks, clothing, leather and other things.

Our monthly Repair Café sessions are currently held on the 3rd Saturday of each month, and we offer repair sessions in our hub in Cascades on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. You will be able to do weekly, monthly or ad hoc sessions depending on your availability.

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Library Stock Carer

Current need: FULL, if you’re interested you will be added to our waiting list

Items in the library need a lot of care to keep them in good working order. All electrical items need PAT testing and all items need to be checked to see if they work.

You’ll be checking over items for any damage and also that they work when they come in. You’ll need basic electrical skills and ideally be a competent PAT tester so that you can PAT test items when they are donated. It’s very similar to the repairer role for electrical and mechanical items, but with less face-to-face interaction with members.

Ideally you will be able to commit to coming to the hub once a week (we’re open Weds, Fri & Sat 10 – 1 & Thurs 1 – 4). This could be flexible and we’ll also need ad hoc people to provide cover.

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Meet & Greet at the Hub

Current need: We’re looking for volunteers for Thursday 1 – 4 and Saturdays 10 – 1

With our new wonderful location in Cascades we get lots of passers-by popping in to find out what we’re about. We need friendly, smiley people who are comfortable talking to people and explaining what we do.

Ideally you will be able to commit to coming to the hub once a week for 3 hours. This could be flexible and we’ll also need ad hoc people to provide cover.

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Receptionist at the Hub

Current Need: We’re looking for volunteers for Saturdays 10 – 1

This role involves helping our members when they come to the hub to borrow and return items, or when they visit for a repair.

The main tasks involve finding requested items in the library, so they’re ready for members to collect; checking out items when members come to collect them, including ensuring IDs are checked on the first borrow and taking payments; and checking items back in on return. The checking in and out will involved our online system ‘MyTurn’.

You’ll be friendly and good at communicating, as well as able to quickly learn our systems with basic computer skills.

Ideally you will be able to commit to coming to the hub once a week for 3 hours (we’re open Weds, Fri & Sat 10 – 1 & Thurs 1 – 4). This could be flexible and we’ll also need ad hoc people to provide cover.

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Fundraising – Online Selling

Current need: FULL, if you’re interested you will be added to our waiting list

We have a number of items that have been donated to the Library but that are no longer needed or are surplus to requirements that we would like to sell online to raise money for the charity.

This role will involve identifying the best place to sell the item to make the most money, photographing, listing, selling, packaging and posting the item.

The hours are flexible, but part of your time would need to be done during our Hub opening hours to access the items (we’re open Weds, Fri & Sat 10 – 1 & Thurs 1 – 4).

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Workshop Facilitator

We’re run ‘How to’ workshops at the hub and are looking for skilled people, willing to share their knowledge with the general public. Whether that’s about basic DIY skills or using a power tool, sewing machine, or about upcycling. Our aim is to help people reduce waste.

Typically it can take a few hours to plan a workshop and the workshops themselves will typically last for around 90 minutes. And workshops could be done as one-offs or frequently.

If you’re interested in helping develop our workshops, we’d love to hear from you.

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