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There are a number of ways that you can support our work.

Give money

  • Donate via PayPal, email us for our bank details or drop a donation into the hub
  • Did you know you can boost your donation to Share (Portsmouth) by 25%? Find out if we’re able to claim Gift Aid on your donation here.

  • Fundraise – have fun raising money for us

Anything that you can financially give to support us is really appreciated, and goes towards covering things such as insurance, energy, volunteer training and more. Each year we publish an annual report, so that donors and funders can see how their money has been spent.

Give time

Got some spare time? Why not volunteer?


Give things

We’re all about reducing waste and, as much as we can, we source pre-loved items for our library.

You can help our library grow by donating working tools and equipment.

You’ll find our wishlist below and please also read the additional information underneath. If you’d like to donate something, please drop us an email and send us the following information:

  • An image of your item/s
  • A brief assessment of their condition
  • Your availability for dropping them off

Things we need

Our wishlist

Things we don’t need

Although we want to recoup as much as possible from waste or under-use we are limited by our storage, as well as the capacity of our volunteer repairers to fix broken things. Here is a guide to what we don’t need:

  • Cordless tools with dead batteries.
  • Petrol-powered tools – these are too costly for us to maintain.
  • Unorganised consumables & fixings e.g. nails, sandpaper, door handles.
  • Items that are not in good working order.
  • Items that are caked in dirt, oil or paint – clean them off and contact us then.

Assess repair/quality

If the item you wish to donate requires a few simple repairs, such as re-wiring or blade-sharpening, we may be able to take it, especially if it is a good quality item.

Supporters needed

We are also keen to hear from tool manufacturers, construction companies, DIY outlets, and educational institutions who would be willing to support our library with donations.

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